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[Rotary Club de São Paulo - Brás] Fwd: How will you celebrate Rotary's anniversary? -- Weekly Update

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From: Rotary International <website@rotary.org>
Date: 2012/2/10
Subject: How will you celebrate Rotary's anniversary? -- Weekly Update
To: rotarybras@gmail.com

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Rotary International
10 February 2012
Weekly Update A roundup of Rotary news
Plan a Rotary Day
Iconic landmarks will be illuminated with an End Polio Now message in honor of Rotary's anniversary 23 February. How will your club celebrate? Read about other celebration plans, including a swim marathon.

In other news
Past RI President Glenn Estess Sr. dies
Rotary centennial president encouraged Rotarians to implement community projects to celebrate association's 100th anniversary.

Former Sudanese child soldier to speak at Rotary peace symposium
Emmanuel Jal is an international advocate for human rights, social justice, and sustainable development.

Rotary news in brief from around the globe
Read a roundup of Rotary club activities.

Rotary receives almost 2.5 million United airline miles for humanitarian projects

Share your story in our new blog, Rotary Voices

Rotaract promotional card now available

RI President's message: Let others know about Rotary

Resource guide
Rotary's Areas of Focus Guide
Learn how your club can prevent conflict and promote peace in this guide to the six areas of focus.
Rotary Media Center
Your online resource for public service announcements, videos, and more.
Rotary Video Magazine Collection 5
This set of three DVDs features more than 10 videos of Rotary's work around the globe.
Weekly Update brings you the latest Rotary news, features, and links to resources, equipping you for all your Rotary activities. Use this content free of charge in any of your Rotary communications, including club or district newsletters and websites. Download free photos at Rotary Images.

Sign up for the Rotary news RSS feed
Contact us at website@rotary.org

Rotary International  |  One Rotary Center  |  1560 Sherman Avenue  |  Evanston  |  IL  |  60201  |  USA

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Rotary Club de São Paulo - Brás

Postado por RCSP-Brás no Rotary Club de São Paulo - Brás em 2/11/2012 01:07:00 AM


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