ROTARY FARÁ FEIRA DA SAÚDE NA FESTA DO BRÁS Durante a reunião do Rotary Club Brás ocorrida dia 16 de abril último na Churrascaria Marginal Grill (av. Marginal Tietê, 3.700, Canindé), surgiu a ideia de haver uma Feira da Saúde na Festa Brás 194 Anos, dia 10 de junho próximo na Praça Catumbi. A presidente do RCSP Brás ano rotário 2011-2012, Dóris Pittigliani Pestana disse que entrará em contato com Rotary Nordeste – Vila Maria, que levaria ônibus para atendimento de saúde – glicemia, pressão arterial e inclusive atendimento bucal. Dóris lembrou ainda que no dia 19 de abril foi comemorado o Dia de Paul Harris, fundador do Rotary Club Internacional. Palestrante da reunião A palestrante da reunião de 16/04 foi a alegre e extrovertida baiana Sennessy Mnemosyne Moreira Ribeiro, nascida em Salvador, e moradora do Brás. Disse que ficou entusiasmada com o trabalho do Rotary e se colocou à disposição para fazer um trabalho voluntário na instituição. "Observei que o Rotary tem pessoas sérias envolvidas no trabalho de servir", disse ela. Aleitamento materno O Rotary Brás abriu uma nova campanha: a do Aleitamento Materno, com a destinação de latas de leite em pó a crianças carentes. A primeira entidade beneficiada é a Creche Santa Rita, da rua Santa Rita, 800 fone 2796-2746, mantida pelo Centro Social Nossa Senhora do Bom Parto. Dina e Cristina representaram a creche na reunião e disseram que atendem 164 crianças dos seis meses aos 3 anos e 11 meses de idade, das 7h às 16h30. O Bom Par, como é conhecida a entidade, conta inclusive com moradia para idoso, uma delas atrás da Igreja São João Batista da av. Celso Garcia, e cursos profissionalizantes. "Estive lá na creche e levei os balanços para as crianças brincarem", disse Carlos Alberto, o popular Fio. Alceu Guimarães e Dra Monica da Costa no almoço do Rotary, ao lado do ex presidente Fio Luiz será o novo presidente gestão 2012/2013 Imagem Pública do Rotary Wagner Wilson é um dos presidentes da Comissão de Relações Públicas e presidente da Comissão Especial do Boletim Informativo. Ele lembrou que precisa ser exemplo de conduta na web, pois o clube é o único do Distrito 4430 que tem informação diária através de Blog – , com o registro de 60.000 visitas semanais. "Meu perfil pessoal do Facebook não pode ter uma conduta diferente da que eu tenho no Rotary", ressaltou Wagner Padre rotariano O padre Enivaldo Santos do Valle, da Igreja Bom Jesus, é o presidente da Comissão de Projeto de Prestação de Serviço no Rotary e fez bonita reflexão: "O Rotary expande um conceito valioso no tocante à administração e arrecadação. Isso cultivado ajudaria a mundo a ser mais justo e diminuir muito a corrupção, com ética. Nas entrelinhas, o Rotary tece uma parte do tecido social, que é bonito. Basta sair da vitrine para vestir pessoas que têm talento e criatividade como verdadeiro capital. Partilhar o que sobra é a melhor aplicação", disse ele. Dinamismo do Rotary A presidente da Comissão de Quadro Social, Maria Luiza São Thiago, ressaltou a importância de se falar em Paz Mundial e na Prova Quádrupla, composta por quatro perguntas básicas: 1 - É a Verdade ?, 2 - É Justo para todos os interessados ?, 3 - Criará Boa Vontade e Melhores Amizades ? e 4 - Será Benéfico para todos os interessados?. "O mundo é dinâmico e o Rotary mais ainda", disse ela. |
During the meeting of the Rotary Club Bras held last April 16 at Churrascaria Grill Marginal (av. Marginal Tietê, 3700, Canindé), the idea of having a Health Fair at Festival 194 Years Bras, June 10 near the Plaza Catumbi.The president of the Rotary year 2011-2012 RCSP Bras, Pestana said Doris Pittigliani will contact Northeast Rotary - Villa Maria, which would take buses to health care - blood glucose, blood pressure and even dental care.Doris also noted that on April 19 was celebrated the Day of Paul Harris, founder of Rotary Club International.
Speaker of the meetingThe speaker of the meeting of 16/04 was a cheerful and outgoing Bahia Sennessy Mnemosyne Moreira Ribeiro, born in Salvador, and resident of Bras. He said he was thrilled with the work of Rotary and he was willing to do volunteer work at the institution. "Rotary has observed that serious people involved in the work of serving," she said.
BreastfeedingRotary Bras opened a new campaign: a Breastfeeding, with the allocation of cans of powdered milk to needy children. The first entity is the beneficiary Nursery Santa Rita, Santa Rita Street, phone 800 2796 to 2746, maintained by the Social Center Our Lady of Good Delivery. Dina and Cristina represented the nursery at the meeting and said they serve 164 children from six months to three years and 11 months of age, from 7am to 16:30. The Good Par, is known as the entity, including with regard to housing for the elderly, one behind the Church of St. John the Baptist ave. Celso Garcia, and professional courses. "I was there in daycare and took swings for children to play," said Carlos Alberto, the popular Fio
Alceu Guimaraes da Costa and Dr Monica Rotary lunch next to the former president Wire
Luiz will be the new president managed 2012/2013
Public Image of RotaryWagner Wilson is a past chairman of the Public Relations Committee and Chairman of the Special Committee of the Newsletter. It must be remembered that such conduct on the web, because the club is the only District that has 4430 daily information via Blog-http :/ /, with the record of 60,000 visitors per week. "My personal Facebook profile can not have a behavior different from what I have in Rotary," said Wagner
Father RotarianThe priest Enivaldo Santos Valle, the Bom Jesus Church, is the chairman of the Project Delivery Service in Rotary and made beautiful reflection: "The Rotary expands a valuable concept regarding the administration and collection. This would help the world grown to be much fairer and reduce corruption, with ethics.Between the lines, Rotary weaves a part of the social fabric that is beautiful. Just leave the window dressing for people who have talent and creativity as a true capital. Share what's left is the best application, "he said.
Dynamism of RotaryThe chairman of the Membership, Maria Luiza St. James, stressed the importance of talking about World Peace and Four-Way Test consists of four basic questions: 1 - Is the Truth?, 2 - Is it Fair to all concerned?, 3 - Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships? and 4 - Is Beneficial to all concerned '. "The world is dynamic and Rotary even more," she said.
During the meeting of the Rotary Club Bras held last April 16 at Churrascaria Grill Marginal (av. Marginal Tietê, 3700, Canindé), the idea of having a Health Fair at Festival 194 Years Bras, June 10 near the Plaza Catumbi.The president of the Rotary year 2011-2012 RCSP Bras, Pestana said Doris Pittigliani will contact Northeast Rotary - Villa Maria, which would take buses to health care - blood glucose, blood pressure and even dental care.Doris also noted that on April 19 was celebrated the Day of Paul Harris, founder of Rotary Club International.
Speaker of the meetingThe speaker of the meeting of 16/04 was a cheerful and outgoing Bahia Sennessy Mnemosyne Moreira Ribeiro, born in Salvador, and resident of Bras. He said he was thrilled with the work of Rotary and he was willing to do volunteer work at the institution. "Rotary has observed that serious people involved in the work of serving," she said.
BreastfeedingRotary Bras opened a new campaign: a Breastfeeding, with the allocation of cans of powdered milk to needy children. The first entity is the beneficiary Nursery Santa Rita, Santa Rita Street, phone 800 2796 to 2746, maintained by the Social Center Our Lady of Good Delivery. Dina and Cristina represented the nursery at the meeting and said they serve 164 children from six months to three years and 11 months of age, from 7am to 16:30. The Good Par, is known as the entity, including with regard to housing for the elderly, one behind the Church of St. John the Baptist ave. Celso Garcia, and professional courses. "I was there in daycare and took swings for children to play," said Carlos Alberto, the popular Fio
Alceu Guimaraes da Costa and Dr Monica Rotary lunch next to the former president Wire
Luiz will be the new president managed 2012/2013
Public Image of RotaryWagner Wilson is a past chairman of the Public Relations Committee and Chairman of the Special Committee of the Newsletter. It must be remembered that such conduct on the web, because the club is the only District that has 4430 daily information via Blog-http :/ /, with the record of 60,000 visitors per week. "My personal Facebook profile can not have a behavior different from what I have in Rotary," said Wagner
Father RotarianThe priest Enivaldo Santos Valle, the Bom Jesus Church, is the chairman of the Project Delivery Service in Rotary and made beautiful reflection: "The Rotary expands a valuable concept regarding the administration and collection. This would help the world grown to be much fairer and reduce corruption, with ethics.Between the lines, Rotary weaves a part of the social fabric that is beautiful. Just leave the window dressing for people who have talent and creativity as a true capital. Share what's left is the best application, "he said.
Dynamism of RotaryThe chairman of the Membership, Maria Luiza St. James, stressed the importance of talking about World Peace and Four-Way Test consists of four basic questions: 1 - Is the Truth?, 2 - Is it Fair to all concerned?, 3 - Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships? and 4 - Is Beneficial to all concerned '. "The world is dynamic and Rotary even more," she said.
Durante la reunión de los clubes rotarios Bras celebrada el pasado 16 de abril en Grill Churrascaria marginal (Av. Marginal Tietê, 3700, Canindé), la idea de tener una Feria de Salud en el Festival 194 Años Bras, 10 de junio cerca de la Plaza Catumbi.El presidente de los rotarios del año 2011-2012 Bras resp, Pestana, dijo Doris Pittigliani pondrá en contacto con Rotary Noreste - Villa Maria, que tendrá autobuses a la atención de la salud - la glucosa en sangre, presión arterial y la atención, incluso dental.Doris también señaló que el 19 de abril se celebró el Día de Paul Harris, fundador del Club Rotario Internacional.
Presidente de la reuniónEl orador de la reunión del 16/04 era un alegre y extrovertida Bahía Sennessy Mnemosyne Moreira Ribeiro, nacido en Salvador, y residente de Bras. Dijo que estaba muy contento con la labor de Rotary y que estaba dispuesto a hacer trabajo voluntario en la institución. "Rotary ha observado que las personas serias que participan en la obra del ministerio", dijo.
La lactancia maternaBras Rotary abrió una nueva campaña: una Lactancia Materna, con la asignación de las latas de leche en polvo a los niños necesitados. La primera entidad es la beneficiaria Guardería Santa Rita, Santa Rita, calle, teléfono 800 2796 to 2746, mantenido por el Centro Social Nuestra Señora de Good Delivery. Dina y Cristina representa la guardería en la reunión y dijo que servir a 164 niños de seis meses a tres años y 11 meses de edad, de 7 a 16:30. El buen par, se conoce como la entidad, en particular con respecto a la vivienda para los ancianos, una detrás de la Iglesia de San Juan Bautista de la avenida. Celso García, y cursos profesionales. "Yo estaba allí en la guardería y se columpios para los niños a jugar", dijo Carlos Alberto, el popular Fio
Alceu da Costa, Guimaraes y el Dr. Mónica Rotary almuerzo junto al ex presidente de alambre
Luiz será el nuevo presidente logró 2012/2013
Imagen Pública de RotaryWagner Wilson es un ex presidente del Comité de Relaciones Públicas y Presidente del Comité Especial del Boletín. Debe recordarse que tal conducta en la web, porque el club es el único distrito que tiene la información diaria a través de 4430 Blog-http :/ /, con el registro de 60.000 visitantes por semana. "Mi perfil personal de Facebook no puede tener un comportamiento diferente de lo que tengo en Rotary", dijo Wagner
Padre RotarioEl sacerdote Enivaldo Santos Valle, la Iglesia de Bom Jesus, es el presidente de la Prestación de Servicios de Proyectos en bello reflejo de Rotary y la medida: "La Fundación Rotaria se expande un concepto valioso en relación con la administración y la recaudación. Esto ayudaría al mundo convertido en mucho más justa y reducir la corrupción, con la ética. Entre las líneas, tejidos de Rotary una parte del tejido social que es hermoso. Acaba de salir de la ventana de vestir para las personas que tienen el talento y la creatividad como una verdadera capital. Compartir lo que queda es la mejor aplicación ", dijo.
Dinamismo de RotaryEl presidente de la membresía, María Luisa Santiago, hizo hincapié en la importancia de hablar sobre la Paz Mundial y la Prueba Cuádruple se compone de cuatro preguntas básicas: 1 - ¿Es la Verdad, 2 - ¿Es justo para todos los interesados,? 3 - ¿Creará buena voluntad y mejores amistades? y 4 - es beneficioso para todos »en cuestión. "El mundo es dinámico y Rotary aún más", dijo.
Postado por RCSP-Brás no Rotary Club de São Paulo - Brás em 5/25/2012 12:30:00 PM